Tuesday, February 19, 2008



Mokshagna is a great word in sanskrit.To know the meaning of mokshagna first you have to know about moksha


Liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

Moksha (Sanskrit liberation) or Mukti (Sanskrit release) refers in Indian religions to liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth and all of the suffering and limitation of worldly existence. In Hindu philosophy, it is seen as a transcendence of phenomenal being, a state of higher consciousness, in which time, space, causation (karma) and the other features of empirical reality are understood as maya. Liberation is to Indian religions as salvation is to Christianity. Rather than being a reward for good deeds that is achieved after death, however, liberation is experienced in this very life as a dissolution of the sense of self as an egoistic personality by which the underlying, eternal, pure spirit is uncovered. This desireless state concludes the yogic path through which conditioned mentality-materiality or nama-roopa (lit. name-form) has been dissolved uncovering one's eternal identity prior to the mind/spirit's identification with material form. Liberation is achieved by (and accompanied with) the complete stilling of all passions — a state of being known as Nirvana. Buddhist thought differs slightly from the Advaita Vedantist reading of liberation.

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